Freedom is not about being free of all responsibilities
Freedom means being free to choose your responsibility.
Freedom means being able to think for yourself.
Freedom requires taking responsibility for your free self.
No responsibility, no freedom.
Free yourself from external authorities
You are not free if you rely on external authorities (religions, leaders, bosses, wise men and so on) think for you in any aspect of life.
You are not ready to be free if you live on:
- Borrowed goals
- Borrowed money
- Borrowed beliefs
- Borrowed thinking
All authorities eventually conflict with freedom – in thought and action.
Freedom comes with uncertainty as you stop relying on external authorities for your decisions. Erin Hanson’s words articulate this beautifully.
There is freedom waiting for you,
On the breezes of the sky,
And you ask “What if I fall?”
Oh but my darling,
What if you fly?
– Erin Hanson
Freedom is thinking for yourself
Outsource your thinking to others if you want to lose:
– your identity
– your freedom
Else start thinking for yourself.
Freedom is a state of mind. It is not freedom from something, but a sense of freedom – to speak up, doubt, question and above all being true to your self.
Freedom includes freedom to be without opinions and not care about others’ opinions. Not needing to have an opinion on the latest news and outrage is a superpower. It frees up your mental energy for productive activities.
Think for yourself
Take ownership of yourself.
Develop mental models that help you understand the world and to assist you in your decision-making. Knowledge is a source of power and freedom.
Real Wealth is about Freedom
Real wealth is about freedom.
– Vala Afshar
Become financially independent as early as possible.
Dependence of a single income stream is the biggest reason for frustrating inability to be true to yourself.
Wealth is freedom for it provides you with the freedom to think, do, say what you want, from where you want, with whom you want.
If your wealth does not deliver this, it is not freedom.
The truth is that wealth’s greatest treasures are not things you can buy:
• Time
• Freedom
• Choice
– Wealth Theory ™ on Twitter
Freedom is a statement of mind, not an abundance of possessions. Own your possessions; don’t let your possessions own you. Frugality is freedom.
Commitment is freedom
On the surface, commitment feels like the opposite of freedom.
This is not true.
Successful people commit to something specific goal, habit and relationship to avoid distractions and decision fatigue. Commitment frees you up to focus your attention on things that matter the most to you.
We say Discipline = Freedom because the discipline to stick to specific goals, habits and relationships avoids distractions and keeps you focused on things that produce the most results.
Matsuo Bashō‘s wise words should be heeded by those seeking freedom:
Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise.
Seek what they sought.
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