Annual Reading Lists
The reading list of books by year.
2019 Reading List
2020 Reading List (updated on 15 Feb 2020)
Recommended Fiction Books
Best Science Fiction Books
Best Fantasy Books
Best Mystery and Thriller Books
Best Children’s Books
Recommended Non-Fiction Books
Best Self-Help Books
Best Business Books
Best Philosophy Books
Best History Books
Best Writing Books
Nobel Prize in Literature
A reading list of winners of the Nobel Prize Winners in Literature.
Rabindranath Tagore (1913)
George Bernard Shaw (1925)
Ernest Hemingway (1954)
Toni Morrison (1993)
Bob Dylan (2016)
Suggested Reading Lists
Here’s a few reading lists on the internet that you may want to take a look at.
100 Books to Read in a Lifetime from Amazon.com
James Clear’s recommended reading list
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